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Pretty Pictures
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I know it's a while since we were in Llangollen but I've never been the fastest button in the box when it comes to getting my photos out of the camera. Anyway, better late than never and being as it's such an incredibly pretty area, I thought I'd share a few photos with you. They're not brilliant; all I have is an ordinary little snapshop camera, but at least they give you an idea of the kind of beauty that can be found in this part of the world.

And finally, this...

I already have a story in mind for this place and can't wait to start writing it! It'll also give me an excuse to go back and have another look. You can click on the photo (any of them, actually) to make it bigger and get a better look.

Ok, enough of the pretty pictures, I have work to do. That's assuming I can concentrate while worrying about the tattoo this afternoon. Please, please, please make it not hurt! I'm such a wimp!

Watch out for the next post. If I go through with it, there will be a photo of my ankle adorned with either a flower or a spider.

Posted by Sharon J on 8:26 AM   

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures! Such a nice contrast from living in Florida. Would love to read a book in a setting like this. I've always enjoyed Rosamunde Pilcher settings.

3:45 PM   

Blogger Karen Erickson said...

Thanks for sharing the pics! And good luck on the tattoo. Can't wait to see THAT picture!

3:52 PM   

Blogger Unknown said...

Did you faint or what???

6:02 PM   

Blogger Martyn said...

What beautiful pictures :-) That's an area well worth exploring.

10:54 PM   

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my God, you've died of ink poisoning, you have haven't you?

5:52 PM   

Blogger Eva said...

I was wondering that myself! Where are you, Sharon?

6:11 PM   

Blogger Diane Viere said...

What a beautiful setting--these photos should inspire your muse!

Can't wait to hear about your tattoo--more fodder for your writing?


7:46 PM   

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathy. I totally agree re Rosamunde Pilcher. In fact, I lent the DVD of "Summer Solstice" from the library today as I was curious to know whether the film would be anywhere near as good as they book. I didn't actually know it'd been made into a film before today, though.

Karen. Thanks for the good wishes. I'm still alive :)

Minx. No, I didn't faint and I haven't died of ink poisoning although it itches like buggery! Is it possible to scratch yourself to death?

Martyn. Have you never been? I'd definitely recommend it.

Eva. I'm here. Thanks for caring.

Diane. I suppose I'll have to have a tatooed heroine sooner or later. The photos, or rather the real scenery, did indeed inspire my muse :-)

1:02 AM   

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those photos are lovely. Everywhere is so green and lush. Living in a draught stricken country, that's something I miss seeing.

Thanks for sharing.

1:49 AM   

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen. I'd love to live in a hot country because I freeze so easily but I know I'd miss the lushness of the countryside here. Still, you can't have it all, can you?

2:24 PM   

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